(parts per million-mg/liter) should always be considered as
a measurement of weight.
TDS (total dissolved solids) limit is based primarily on
the effect of the elements on the taste of the water. These total
dissolved solids guidelines are based on taste threshold of the
pH (hydrogen ion concentration) is a number denoting varying
degrees of acidity and alkalinity in a solution. The pH of natural
water falls in the range of 6 to 8. pH 7 is neutral; above
it alkalinity increases and below it acidity increases.
Analysis over the years at the bottled water source indicates
no change in the mineral content of Tennessee Mountain Pure Spring
Water, that is, naturally sodium and chemical free.
There are many samples taken daily of the spring water at the
source. These samples are subjected to testing each day by our
Quality Control Team to assure continued purity of the
spring water.
This material is based upon information drawn from a number of
sources and publications, including the U.S. Government, the International
Bottled Water Association and W.B. Saunders Company.